Common Home Insurance Claims in Florida

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Whether you’re a seasoned homeowner or a first-time buyer, being well-versed in the landscape of home insurance claims is essential. As a Florida resident, you need to have an understanding of the unique risks and common claims associated with the sunshine state. Having a head start can prove immensely helpful in navigating the complexities of filing a claim when the need arises.

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Common Homeowners Insurance Claims in Florida

Florida, known for its palm trees and beach-filled coastlines, is also synonymous with some unique insurance claims. The most common home insurance claims in Florida include the following:

Wind Damage Claims

Every year, Florida is caught in the crosshairs of tropical storms and hurricanes, leading to wind damage being a highly frequent insurance claim. From removing fallen trees to repairing rooftops, wind damage can take many forms.

Water Damage Claims

Non-weather-related water damage claims are common in Florida. This could stem from various sources, such as leaking pipes, malfunctioning appliances, or even a burst water heater.

Hurricane Damage Claims

Although technically a subset of wind damage, hurricane damage deserves a separate mention, given Florida’s geographic location. The state is a hotspot for hurricane activity, which can lead to extensive structural damage and most claims have specific coverage details linked to hurricanes.

Flood Damage Claims

Even though flooding isn’t covered by a standard home insurance policy, it’s a pervasive issue in Florida, particularly in coastal areas. Homeowners usually need to get a separate flood insurance policy to cover such incidents.

Theft and Vandalism Claims

Although not unique to Florida, claims for theft and vandalism are fairly common in any area. Such claims can help cover

 the cost of stolen or damaged property and any necessary home repairs.

Fire Damage Claims

Fire claims are fairly common and usually very costly. Fires can cause extensive damage, and homeowners often need to replace both the structure and the belongings inside.

Tips and Tricks for Filing a Claim

Having your home damaged is stressful enough without the added hassle of a complicated insurance claim. Here are some tips to help streamline the claim filing process:

Understand Your Policy

An insurance policy is a legally binding contract. Make sure you fully understand what is covered and what isn’t. If something isn’t clear, don’t hesitate to ask your insurance agent or company for clarification.

Document Everything

If damage occurs, take pictures and make detailed notes of everything. This includes the event causing the damage, the damaged items, and any conversations with insurance representatives or contractors.

Prevent Further Damage

After an incident, take reasonable steps to prevent further damage. For example, if a pipe bursts, turn off the water. If a window breaks during a storm, cover it with plastic. These efforts demonstrate to your insurance company that you’ve tried to mitigate further losses.

Keep Receipts

If you need to make immediate repairs or stay somewhere else while your home is being repaired, keep all receipts. These may be reimbursable under your policy.

Be Honest

Be honest and forthcoming with your insurance company. Fraudulent claims can lead to your policy being canceled, and can also potentially lead to legal trouble.

Get Professional Help if Needed

If your claim is complex or significant, you may want to hire a public adjuster to help you navigate the process. Our team at Harrell Adjusting Services can help you understand your policy, assess your loss, and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.

Timely Filing

Don’t delay in filing your claim. Most insurance companies require you to report an incident as soon as possible. The quicker you file, the sooner your claim can be processed, and your life can get back to normal.

Harrell Adjusting Services: Navigating Florida’s Common Claims

Florida homeowners face some unique challenges when it comes to home insurance claims. From wind and water damage to theft and vandalism, understanding the most common claims can help you better prepare for potential risks. Equally important is knowing how to file a claim efficiently and effectively. That’s where we can help you. Remember, insurance is a tool designed to help you recover after an unfortunate event – let us help guide you to the insurance solution you need and deserve.


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